Supplementary Ministry
The Supplementary Ministry Training Program [SMTP] is geared towards the training and fo
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest” (Luke 10:2 (NRSV)
The Supplementary Ministry Training Program [SMTP] is geared towards the training and formation of men and women for ordained [bi-vocational] ministry. Since its inception in the 1970’s, the SMTP has produced a significant percentage of the clergy in the Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, who by their commitment and dedication, continue to give invaluable service to the work of ministry.
In other dioceses and provinces of the Anglican Communion, clergy operating in a bi-vocational capacity are referred to as Non-Stipendiary or Self-Supporting, indicating that they do not receive a stipend as do ‘regular’ clergy. These designations notwithstanding, the general understanding is that bi-vocational clergy live out their vocation in two different yet complimentary ways…their paid occupation/profession and ordained ministry, within their Cures.
During the training and formation process, Supplementary Ministry trainees are supervised within their local contexts, by their Rectors or Priests-in-charge. On completion of their training, they remain in these locations functioning in a manner similar manner to an assistant curate.
To go to the SMTP page Click Here.
Foundations for Ministry and Leadership
This is a program of study for active and potential lay leaders, as well as those exploring the vocation to ordained ministry. Guided by facilitators with proven knowledge and experience in their respective fields of study, the program provides opportunities for learning about and reflecting on foundational disciplines, within the ministry of leadership. The program also serves as a way to inform and deepen participants’ faith and commitment.
As a year-long program, FML utilizes a hybrid teaching methodology that caters to the adult learner; it comprises four (4) main courses, covering a number of related topics. Each course lasts approximately thirteen (13) weeks. While there are no prerequisites for admission to the program, each course prepares participants for the one to follow. Auditing individual courses therefore, is not encouraged.
The Four Primary Courses are…
- Anglican Origins and Traditions
- Introduction to Ministry
- The Prayer Book: Its history and relevance
- Emotional Intelligence/Introduction to the Ministry of Leadership
To go to the Foundations for Ministry and Leadership page Click Here