Worship in the Body of Christ

Worship in the Body of Christ

by Georgia (Grace) Jervis -
Number of replies: 0

Nigel G. Wright, principal emeritus of Spurgeon's College and a former president of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, makes two pertinent observations, with respect to the exercise of spiritual gifts within the Body of Christ, outlined in 1 Corinthians 12*

I share them below for your pondering, in this the first installment of Word of the Month. I invite you also, to share your thoughts on their [deeper] meaning, particularly the challenge they issue contextually, in light of theĀ differently difficult times in which we are called to be Church.

"Worship is not something we generate so much as a way in which we enter into the life of God and are enabled to respond to God and each other,"

"High-octane Christian faith can be very exciting but as noted, it's shadow side is 'super-spirituality'."

*Taken from the BRF devotional Guidelines. [August 16, 2021]