WORD OF THE MONTH - Bishop Leon Golding

WORD OF THE MONTH - Bishop Leon Golding

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Bishop Leon Golding

Have you ever wondered about the seemingly insignificant things you do or say that often go  unnoticed? Those things which you say or do with sincerity with no desire for return or applause. It is often persons who remind you of a kind word spoken or deed performed by you in the past that inspired them and gave then the courage to face some tasks. It may surprise you that God sees and applauds. Through those seemingly insignificant acts and words, God unknown to us performs miracles.

In the story of the widow’s offering (widow’s mite) recorded in the synoptics we often focus on her offering. Her act was commendable as stated by Jesus. He took notice and drew his disciples’ attention to the widow’s action. To many gathered in the temple she would have been invisible and insignificant as they did not expect much from her by way of contribution. They would not have cast their eyes in her direction and taken note of her small offering. Jesus took note and praised it.

No person or act is insignificant in the sight of God. The small acts done in sincerity are treasured in the sight of God. There is the tendency for us not to think much of the unimportant things we do or say. We tend to put most of our effort into those things that will get us great attention and returns.

Scripture reminds us that it is the unimpressive and insignificant things that God often uses to change situations. David a little youth, not of age to join the army of Israel, defeats the giant of a man and soldier Goliath. The morsel of food sustains Elijah, the widow of Zarephath and her son in a time of drought. Jesus uses five loaves and two fish to feed a multitude.

The little we have to offer of our talents, treasures, or time, though insignificant in our eyes, are important to God. So let us offer them with all our heart, mind, and strength and we will be surprised what the Lord can do.