Word of the Month - Canon Michael Allen

Word of the Month - Canon Michael Allen

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Canon Michael Allen


 May the God of Hope fill us with all joy and peace in believing through the power of the Holy Spirit- Romans 15:13

 Hope is a beautiful word for the last month of the year- December.   In the Advent Wreath ceremony that has become customary in our community of faith, Hope is the first of the four Sundays of Hope.  This is of some significance because it emphasises the fact that this is the greatest contribution of Christianity to the world as we live in the in- between times of the First and Final Coming of Christ.   These two interventions into human history makes the case that the world is not spinning on its own with no context that is bigger than itself, but, rather that this world, this creation is still answerable to its creator.

 Our creator is a Covenantal Creator who keeps the promise made that the creation will experience the eternal life of God.  This is inspite of the unfaithfulness of the creation to keep their side of creation, but, the Good News is that God does not give up on us.  God still has hope in us, so much so that he has not only sent Jesus into our world but God has given us His Holy Spirit as a deposit that there is a future in keeping with God's gift of eternal life.  So, future is tied to Hope.  Therefore we give thanks to God that we always hope, because God has hope in us.

 Practical Action

 For hope to spread in the world as it should then each of us has to carry out an action of hope by not giving up on each other, by not giving up on a cause, by not giving up on our future.  This is extremely relevant in this COVID time, when it is easy to despair that it is all over, but, it is not, for God is the future.  Let us remember Bishop William Frey words - " Hope is the ability to listen to the music of God's future.  Courage (trust) is the courage to dance to it today."


 God, let your creation know that ultimately you are in charge and that this has been proven by the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ which shows that if death can be conquered then nothing can separate us from the love of God.  May this knowledge provide us with the Hope that we need to face the uncertainty of life in the power of the Holy Spirit and may we experience joy and peace as we do so.  We pray this in the Name of Christ. Amen.