From The Desk of theDirector

From The Desk of theDirector

by Georgia (Grace) Jervis -
Number of replies: 0

Dear SMTP Students and Tutors,

Grace and peace to  you! Welcome to the Supplementary Ministry Training Program's (SMTP) new academic year 2019/2020. We extend special welcome to the new students in the program and in particular, two ladies from the Cayman Islands, who have created history. 

This is the first time, in its over forty-five year history, that the SMTP has registered students from the Cayman Islands. We wish therefore, to acknowledge Ana-Lise Wisdom and Claudine Lindsay-Nembhard, from St. George's, Grand Cayman.  

We welcome also, the new tutors joining our faculty and extend to you our best wishes for a fruitful and fulfilling ministry among us. 

As we begin a new year of study, fellowship and formation, in the exercise of our vocations, may I encourage us to pray for the grace and exercise the discipline of mindfulness.

Simply put, this is a discipline, anchored in prayer and a deepening relationship with Jesus Christ, that enables us to live moment by moment, with a consciousness of Emmanuel. As a consequence, we approach each day, mindful of the divine presence and the enabling grace, to accomplish in each moment, that which is congruent with his will and as such, brings glory to God.

Let me then encourage everyone, student and tutor alike to make every effort to visit our portal and to remember that our friendly and efficient Admin. Assistant Ms. Korrine Fairweather is available to assist you with any challenges you may have, as you navigate the portal and seek to get into the swing of things.

Once again, a hearty welcome to all! Keep watching this space for interesting tid-bits for our mutual learning and sharing.

Blessed love,
