Advent Greetings and More...

Advent Greetings and More...

by Georgia (Grace) Jervis -
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Hello to you all,

First let me apologize for the lack of communication in this space, during the month of November. There was and remains so much going on within and around, that is why I am sharing the above meditation with you all. Henri Nouwen is a favorite writer on matters of spirituality for so many of us and during this preparatory season, as many rush headlong towards (a commercialized) Christmas, he invites us, as do the seasonal readings, to pause as we reflect on the meaning and symbolism of Advent. The article conveys much more than I ever could and so, I pray you will read, mark, learn and inwardly digest its offerings.

I had a lovely albeit very short visit to the Cayman Islands last week; I was able to meet with Anna-Lise, Claudine and Andria, our SMTP students there more on that anon. 

Let me encourage you all to pray for our annual retreat to be held in March 2020 from the 20th to the 22nd.  Details will be available early in the new year but for now, I ask that you pray for each other and that it will be an inspired and inspiring encounter. I am yet to confirm the conductor but that detail will also be shared in due course.  

Our program is becoming more widely known and hopefully respected; more than that however, our all, are growing in your own understanding of the vocation to ordained ministry and making your mark by God's grace, in the places where you work from Monday to Sunday! Continue then to keep your gaze (internally and externally) fixed on the One who has called you for he will (as I've often told you) bring to completion, the good work he started with-in you (cf. Phil. 1:6) 

I am taking the opportunity also to encourage your continued reading...for your courses and personal development. In this regard, I am recommending a book I have referenced before, it is The Gift of Being Yourself by David Benner.  Check Amazon Books for details. 

My deacons, your free paper will soon be ignited. :-). Your Professional Level courses will commence in earnest in the new year. I look forward to being your tutor in the course on Christian Spirituality.

I pray you will have a blessed and peace-filled Advent. I will be in touch again before long, until then...

Blessed love,
